Suzanne Sutherland CTT LCH FBIH

I grew up in London, England. In my early 20’s I became interested in alternative medicine, which led to my 3 year attendance at the College of Homeopathy, qualifying with a LCT (Licentiate of Homeopathy). Over the following years I was a registered member of the Homeopathic Medical Association www.the-hma.org and the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths www.a-r-h.org. In 2001 I was offered a ‘Fellowship from the British Institute of Homeopathy’ www.bihinternational.com. I’m currently a registered member of the BC Society of Homeopaths www.bcsh.ca. I also was fortunate to work at one of oldest and most established homeopathic pharmacies in the world ‘Nelsons Homeopathic Pharmacy’ www.nelsonshomeopathy.com in London for nearly 8 years.

Sadly in 1993 only a year after qualifying as a Homeopath, I lost my mother to breast cancer. A loss I feel deeply to this day. A loss that is shared by everyone who has ever lost a loved one to this terrible disease. It was my own devastating experience that led me to search for ways that I could be proactive with my own breast health. But it was only when I was introduced to breast thermography that I realized here was something special, a valuable tool that could help not only myself but all women. So I began my training with Dr. Robert Kane at The International Academy of Clinical Thermology www.iact-org.org & Dr. Alexander Mostovoy at the Thermography Clinic www.thermographyclinic.com qualifying as a CTT (Certified Thermographic Technician) in early 2010.

I like to think that my career in natural health has evolved organically over the years entwined with my own personal growth. Adding knowledge and skills along the way that included Nutrition, Allergy and Biofeedback Testing amongst others.

In 2003 I left my busy practice in London and made the biggest change in my life so far, I married my husband Steve and emigrated to Canada. I joined his long established (1991) Wellness Clinic in Calgary and since 2006 we have run our own Wellness Clinic ‘Nature’s Wisdom’ together incorporating Nutritional Counselling, Homeopathy, Biofeedback Treatment plus more recently, the wonderful addition of Thermal Imaging for breast and thyroid/cranial.

We also provide a whole range of testing including Saliva Hormone Testing, Estrogen Metabolism Ratio Testing (which is also really important in assessing your risk of breast cancer), Hair Analysis, Allergy Testing and much more.

I truly feel we have a gift with Thermography as a tool to help maintain breast health. It is empowering for women to know that now instead of being fearful of breast cancer, they now can have access to information about their breast health and level of potential risk a long time before more serious conditions develop and that is a wonderful thing. This gives women more proactive control over their own good health. Isn’t that what every woman really wants?

We have also found that the tests we provide from Rocky Mountain Analytical Laboratory particularly the Saliva Hormone Testing and the Estrogen Metabolism Ratio (EMR) Urine Test (I strongly believe every woman should know her EMR) are particularly useful due to the incredible effect hormones and more importantly hormonal imbalances have on our health especially our breasts. Depending upon the results of said testing, there are dietary and lifestyle changes that can be recommended if relevant to help reduce your risk.

In Breast Thermography and Hormone Testing used either separately or together we have simple, non-invasive tests that aid our goal for a lifetime of healthy and disease free breasts.

I hope you join me in spreading the word on Breast Thermography. Too many women are unaware of its existence. We have the choices you need to be proactive we just need to act on them.

Please don’t wait until your worst fears are realized and you’re forced to take action. Remember ‘Early detection is important but prevention is the key!’ Take your first steps towards good breast health. Call or email me to book your breast thermography appointment today.

Best of health to you.

Suzanne Sutherland CTT LCH FBIH

Wellness Analysis

Bio-resonance Testing

Nutritional Counseling

Meridian Therapy

Homeopathics Distributor


Breast Thermography

By Appointment only


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